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作者:未来检测    来源:原创    发布时间:2018-10-25    浏览次数:6463
     2018-4-2, 原新加坡认证监管机构SPRING Singapore经过与新加坡国际企业发展局 International Enterprise (IE) Singapore重组合并后更名为Enterprise Singapore。
其原官网也由https://www.spring.gov.sg/  更新为 https://www.enterprisesg.gov.sg/

        1. 底色由原来的蓝色改为红色(印刷时可以根据实际需求印刷成黑白);
        2. “SAFETY MARK” 字体微调(见下图)




1)SAFETY Mark without Contrasting Background(e.g.embossed on body of Controlled Goods)

      The safety logo ,letters and certification number shall be of raised or lowered depth of not less than 0.51mm.

      The SAFETY Mark(consisting of both the safety logo and the word”SAFETY MARK”)shall have a height of not less than 9.5 mm.The certification number shall have a height of not less than 2.8 mm.

      Any SAFETY Mark with dimension smaller than the above has to be approved by the Safety Authority.

2)  SAFETY Mark with Contrasting Background(e.g.silk screened on body of Controlled Goods or printed on rating labels or carton boxes or as standalone adhesive labels)

     The SAFETY Mark(consisting of both the safety logo and the word”SAFETY MARK”)Shall have a height of not less than 6.0 mm. The certification number shall have a height of not less than 1.6 mm.

     Any SAFETY Mark with dimension smaller than the above has to be approved by the Safety Authority.

3)Points for adherence

     a)The SAFETY Mark shall be fully reproduced with the safety logo enclosed in a square on the left, the word”SAFETY MARK”enclosed in a rectangle on the right and the certification number traceable to the registrant across the bottom.

      b)The SAFETY Mark can be embossed or silk screened on any coloured material or printed with the same colour used for rating labels or carton box markings.When printed as standalone adhesive labels, the colour of the safety logo, the background for the word”SAFETY MARK”and the certification number is Pantone 032C.
      同时,Enterprise Singapore于4月6日发布文件宣布从2018.4.1 开始实施新的PSB 标志。自2018-4-2 起,新发证的PSB证书对应产品上新加坡logo需使用最新标志。

      B. Registration and Usage of Updated SAFETY Mark

      The SAFETY Mark has been updated in view of the formation of Enterprise Singapore.Refer to Annex A of this circular for the new SAFETY Mark Bromide, and Annex B for the guidelines on usage of the SAFETY Mark on Registered Controlled Goods.

       Registered Suppliers must note the following on utilization of the updated SAFETY Mark:

1、For any registration of Controlled Goods after 2 April 2018:

      Registered Suppliers who submit new or renewal registrations of Controlled Goods after 2 April 2018 are to affix the Controlled Goods with the updated SAFETY Mark(refer to Annex A),after it is successfully registered, and before being supplied in Singapore.

      After 2 April 2019, Enterprise Singapore will not accept submissions for new or renewal registrations unless there are adequate supporting documents provided to show that the Controlled Goods are affixed with the updated SAFETY Mark.Supporting documents include photographs of the Controlled Good rating label and product sample.

2、For Controlled Goods registered before 2 April 2018:

       Registered Suppliers are not required to recall and replace the SAFETY Mark for Controlled Goods that are in the market today. For example, Controlled Goods that have already been affixed with the old SAFETY Mark and distributed to warehouses or retail outlets. For such Controlled Goods. There is a one-year grace period till 2 April 2019 for Registered Suppliers to comply with the updated requirements.

       Registered Suppliers should ensure that new batches of these Controlled Goods bear the updated SAFETY Mark before they are distributed to the market.
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